Sound and Earn

Token Amount% of Total SupplyUNLOCK schedule



Gradual being unlocked 8 years

The supply cap of $SWT by Sound and Earn is 30% of the total.

$SWT Distribution Start Date


Stage 1


$SWT Swap/Trade function open

Stage 2


Step-by-step implementation of $SWT utility

Stage 3


Install $SWT burning progress bar

Stage 4

$SWT Earning Event

Start distribution of $SWT when burning progress bar reaches 100%.

$SWT Acquisition Mechanics

Level & Rarity Requirements

Headphone NFT rarity must be 4 or higher and level must be 20 or higher to earn $SWT.

Half Mechanics

A set number of $SWT are unlocked and earned each day. The daily release of $SWT follows an exponential decay pattern, with the daily $SWT unlocked on the first day of the second year exactly halved compared to the start date of earning.

Einstein Mechanics

The system always adds randomness to the user's $SWT earnings, making earnings unpredictable.

Bitcoin Dynamics

The $SWT earnings per person will be distributed proportionally, similar to the DIFFICULTY BOMB in Bitcoin and Ethereum, but will settle down quickly. The more users who earn $SWT at a particular time, the less $SWT earned per person.

$SWT Burning Mechanics

Headphone NFT

  1. Burn to reach level 5/10/15/20/25/30

  2. Burn to mint Headphone NFT above rarity 4

  3. ...

Enhanced In-App Mechanisms

  1. ...


  1. Burn $SWT to reach more people with your music

  2. Burn $SWT to get your songs in front of the audience you want to reach

  3. ...

Last updated