$SWT Mining Mechanics

In Ambient Mode, users also can mine $SWT. Mining probability is subject to several parameters

$SWT's Daily Mining Cap follows a function named "Sigma".


P is USD Price of each token

x (User's Score)

x is a User Score. This value is fixed by your own Headphone NFTs' level and rarity as follows:

m (Mel Scale)

m is a coefficient that relates to Daily Earning Cap. This value is determined by such elements:

  • random value

  • event

  • quest

  • genre

The mel scale (after the word melody) is a perceptual scale of pitches judged by listeners to be equal in distance from one another. The reference point between this scale and normal frequency measurement is defined by assigning a perceptual pitch of 1000mels to a 1000Hz tone, 40dB above the listener's threshold.

(sited from Wikipedia)

Last updated